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Liturgical Ministers

Altar Servers

Altar Servers assist the priest during mass and at other worship services. Please contact the Rectory if you are interested in becoming an altar server.


Extra-Ordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

Extra-Ordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are trained and commissioned once a year. Attendance at a class, sponsored by the Archdiocese is required. It is usually held in October. One more session, on a Saturday morning, is given by a priest of the parish, instructs new ministers in local customs. You can specify your interest in service at Mass, the homebound, or both. Please contact the Rectory if you are interested in this ministry.


Altar Ministers

Altar Ministers serve as Eucharistic Ministers during Daily, Saturday Evening, and Sunday Masses and on Holy Days of Obligation and Seasonal Liturgies.


Ministers to the Homebound

Ministers to the Homebound are scheduled as needed. When a request is made to the Rectory, it is referred to the Homebound Coordinator who works with ministers to fulfill the request.



Lectors read the First and Second Reading and General Intercessions during the celebration of the Mass or other liturgical celebrations.



Sacristans are volunteers who assist at weekend liturgies by carrying out a variety of duties.

Liturgical Minister Schedule

Download Latest Schedules Here

Lector Schedule

Lector Schedule for Summer 2024

Eucharistic Minister Schedule

Eucharistic Minister Schedule for March through May 2022

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